Your partner for innovative

Welcome to e-Technologies GmbH

13 Armold_Lamm_e-Technologies GmbH

The transformation process in industry from conventional technologies to electrochemical converter and storage systems for electric drives as well as stationary systems is in full swing. The knowledge of these new technologies is the fuel of the future for R&D units but also the production of the new technologies of tomorrow. We are happy to support you as a partner in research & development with 30 years of experience in these areas.

Dr.-Ing. Arnold Lamm

Managing Director of e-Technologies GmbH

Our services...

… focus on the assumption of R&D tasks, consulting on questions of e-mobility up to the testing of cells or innovative systems in our own laboratories as well as in cooperation with test partners. In addition, we offer training courses on special topics, which we are happy to adapt to your needs.

Research & Development

  • Components for fuel cells / battery systems and eDrive drives
  • Adoption of work packages in ongoing projects
  •  Supporting the Program Management
  • Testing of components and systems
  • CAD designs of battery systems incl. cell with interior


  • Battery systems and cell technologies and their material systems
  • PEM fuel cell systems and stack components
  • Hydrogen tank technologies / Hydrogen infrastructure
  • Technology strategy (also as advisory board)
  • Patent searches and strategy
  • Patentrecherchen und -strategie

Lecturer & Training

  • Battery Technology
  • Fuel Cell Technology
  • Electric Motor Technology

Why work with e-Technologies?

We support you in the successful implementation of your transformation process in your company – whether strategically, procedurally or technologically.

You benefit from a broad and long-standing experience in the technology development of electrochemical storage systems and converter systems. Whether for research, pre-development, series development or production. Unique: The in-depth knowledge and understanding of both hydrogen fuel cell systems and battery systems. Especially complete systems with PEMBZ and hydrogen do not work without battery support. Only through the right design can FC systems exploit their advantages in certain applications.

Industries and Target Groups


Electric Powertrain


Battery Systems

Fuel Cell Systems



neue Technologien

New Technologies

Reference Projects

Our partners come from industry and research

These include OEMs and TIER1/2/3 suppliers from the passenger car and truck sectors as well as companies from the aviation industry.

In addition, an increasingly growing focus is on advising start-ups on the evaluation of new technologies and accompanying support in product development and production setup.

In addition, there are strategic partnerships with consulting companies such as P3 automotive GmbH and PwC.